Who among us has not heard of the mystical mysterious Qi ...
A word-of-mouth term shrouded in
legends, sacred ways to achieve
and applications, excites and excites many people,
one way or another connected with oriental practices.
And often, not related at all. Why is the mystery
the universal significance and market price of Qi is only increasing.
Let's try to understand this issue and dot the qi.
Those who initially understand qi as some kind of energy that spreads along the meridians almost in drops, can shake off the remaining drops from their hands and go into a deep depression. Those who listen to them may lose faith in people and lose hope for a miracle. However, the work of qi will not change for either one or the other.
I must say right away that we will not turn to the complex philosophical and semantic levels of this concept, because more texts have been written on this topic than fallen leaves in autumn. Let's be simpler and just start from the "Treatise on the Internal" ("Neijing"), where it is said:
“Where the disease-causing disorder penetrates, there is definitely a lack of qi.”
Noticed? - we are facing some kind of violation. To clear the picture, let's... Let's paint it.
So imagine a big fabrication plant... to make something complex and multi-system. For example, a car factory. Anyone who has ever been in production has an idea how it works: A lot of workshops or sections, each of which performs its own operation. Here is the stamping: from the supplied blank - Slap! - And the hood or fender comes out. Here is the casting: calipers, springs, supporting reinforcement. Here are the fittings - handles-things and other plugs. Here is the internal logistics - to bring things to the assembly site. Assembly is its own line: put everything where it needs to be, tighten it, fix it. In the White House, the administration rules: how many things to make, what style, where to submit and by what time, so that the line does not stop. The result is not the sum of details, as you understand, but a complex, multifunctional product - a car.
Wheels and headlights at the right angles, pressure where necessary provided, valves lapped, no unnecessary play and arbitrary actions.
But, let's imagine a terrible thing: the worker from the throttle valve site took a lot on his chest the day before. And went to work...
And he didn't go to work! Throttle valves someone installs, but no one regulates. Will it affect the operation of the plant? Like, not really. But the output product will lose quality. And now let's imagine that there are not enough self-tapping screws on the assembly line - they didn't deliver it or mixed it up with others. The line may not get up, but embarrassment will happen. Well, they will replace self-tapping screws with rivets in one batch, they will call it “Limited edition”. But if the engine assembly section goes on maternity leave, or the main conveyor suddenly stops, or, God forbid, goes twice as fast - that's where the trouble is. The plant will not cope with the production of quality products and will either stop until it is clarified and corrected, or it will start to drive frank crap, technically weak and uncompetitive.
Do you still remember about the violation and lack of qi? There is clearly a lack of qi in the plant described above, right?
The human body can also be represented as a huge factory with many sections-systems that perform their functions. And the performance of this plant is directly proportional to the consistency and clarity of all systems. Violations in the work of any of them lead to a weakening of the total capacity of the "man" plant. If we are talking about “power”, then we cannot do without “energy”, which all texts about Qi lead us to understand.
So it turns out that the higher the qi, the higher the energy. Only it is not in batteries, not in dumbbells, and not in bricks broken by the head. Qi is just a good, confident and harmonious work of all systems of our body at all levels - from biochemical and cellular to biomechanical and behavioral.
Wow, just! Well it is necessary to follow all this economy, to manage! Hoods, self-tapping screws… Difficult.
In fact, our task is not to interfere, and not to harm our body to self-adjust, and to create conditions for the clear and holistic work of its units. What, in fact, do people who practice in many different directions to increase their Qi.
Yes, one of the directions that have proven themselves in this sense is tai chi. Practicing tai chi will not teach you how to fight or fall into nirvana, but your personal "factory" will definitely work more clearly. Tai chi will prepare you in a general way (guessed? - by increasing your chi) to perform your daily tasks or reach new heights.
May the blessed qi be with you!